Welcome to the personal website of Manashantii The Christian. Christianity gives you true peace of mind. Manashantii is spelled with a double ii. Please write down this website somewhere safe so that you don’t forget the name of this website. Manashantii the Christian. All written works on this website are created by Manashantii, unless otherwise stated. Please ask permission before you use my written work. All rights reserved.  Email me at info at manashantii dot com. My previous tweets can be found in the recent posts section on this website.

Christianity is daily Spiritual relational rituals which initiates redemption and forgiveness from God and unifies us with the Holy Spirit in the present moment, Christianity is a system designed to heal the soul and spirit. Holy Communion is a symbolic ritual for Divine Blood Transfusion and new created bodies, blood is what sacrificially pays for our sins. Jesus is a sacrifice for Christians because His goal is to be reunited with us eventually. The Holy Bible is daily Spiritual nourishment.

Jesus had to be a sacrifice for humanity for the purposes of cleansing the world of sin and saving mankind and creation from eternal death and hell. Jesus is the only Divine King of Glory and is the Prince of Peace. Jesus is the Perfect Loving God in the flesh. Jesus is Perfect, Second Adam, Fully Man, Fully God and is the Life-Giving Spirit. God had to become a physical human (which is Jesus) in order to be the Perfect Sacrifice. More than a sacrifice, Jesus defeated sin and death in His human life form. We are saved by God’s remarkable compassion. God’s blood has infinite worth and is a Holy Sacrifice more than any animal sacrifice could ever be, because animal blood is not equal to human blood. Jesus is the Perfect Unblemished Passover Lamb, Jesus paid the Spiritual cost of sin. Jesus’ sacrificial death was a Divine exchange to give us eternal life. All unpaid sin separates us from God eternally. The cost of unrepentant sin against God is eternal death. The consequence of unwillingness to accept God’s forgiveness by His sacrifice of His shed blood is God’s judgement of you and your eternal damnation in hell. Jesus is the second part of the Trinity. Give your life to Jesus Christ and believe in the Trinity (Jesus, God and The Holy Spirit) and He will give you the gift of eternal life in Heaven. Jesus was a Divine Curse and an incomparable sacrifice for our sins. Jesus was a Divine sacrifice He took on our curses, for cursed is anyone who hangs on a tree.

(See Galatians 3v13 But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is written in the Scriptures, Galatians 3v13 “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”3 v14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”)

The Holy Bible, New Living Translation (N.L.T.) 1st Corinthians 15v45-46 The scripture tells us, “The first Adam became a living person” But the last Adam – that is, Christ – is a life giving Spirit. 46. What comes first is the natural body, then the Spiritual body comes later.

On this website I use New Living Translation which is a thought for thought translation, I also use ESVUK English Standard Version United Kingdom Anglicised Version and also King James Version KJV which are Word for Word Translations.

New articles:

Reading The Holy Bible  


Journal Writing

Compare Beliefs

The Method I Use To Read The Holy Bible In A Year

Spirit Over Flesh

Writing Prompts

How I Study And Worship

How To Heal From Unhealthy Guilt

Prayers Paraphrased


Communication, Connection and Corrective

Relate To God In The Spirit

Take Control Of Your Life

What Is Grace?

Daily Devotion

How To Memorise The Holy Bible


Academic Skills

Holy Communion

Read study Holy Bible 2

Places In The Holy Bible


What is Christian Prayer

How To Read Study And Worship

Old English

Why Feminism Is Wrong

Types of understanding

How To Choose A Church



Letting go off past religion

Spiritual Discernment

Passion, purpose, prayer and peace

Types Of Christian Songs

How To Pray

What is a Pentecostal Christian?

Ungodly Soul Ties

Types Of Calendars

Trust God

Why Worship?

Socio-Economic status of black people

Armour Of God

Gifts And Fruits Of The Spirit

Twelve Disciples

Buddhism, Christianity and Psychotherapy

How to Speak in tongues

I can forget the past

Emotions that hinders your Spiritual growth


The magic A B C’s of emotions

Decision making skills

From Victim To Victor

Jesus as a sacrifice

Names of Jesus

Guard Your Heart

Shall I Leave My Church?

Christianity Versus Psychologies

Where to begin reading in the Holy Bible (for a new reader of the Bible)

How to Read / Study the Holy Bible

Study Skills

Types of Bible Study

Belief and Hope

Why study The Holy Bible


Worship God


Types of Love



Hebrew Names Of God

Psychotherapy Assessment skills

Reflective writing with prayer

Daily Praise

Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence

Anointed Spirit-filled prayers

Trusting God

Prosperity Gospel

My View On Racism

Christian Values

Compassion and Empathy

Things that hinder you from having a healthy relationship

Things I can say to God when I pray

Forgiveness is an act of love

Renounce Repent Reject Revelation

Sexual abuse books that I recommend

What is love?

Ending a Relationship

Mainstream Psychotherapy

Biblical Psychotherapy

“future articles I plan to write”

Explaining the soul and the Spirit

Becoming in union with God’s Spirit

Types of Man

Types of Prayer

God loves you.

Unhealthy Boundaries

Client skills and Biblical Psychotherapist acquired skills

Is Hinduism and Buddhism idolatry?

“How to evangelise to atheists”

Renounce, Repent, Reject and Revelation

The Definition of the Soul and Spirit

“How to overcome jealousy or envy”

“How to forgive yourself”

Love and forgiveness

“How to Heal from abuse ( sexual, physical and emotional)”

“Psychotherapy skills”

“Relate to God”

“How to overcome Anger”

“(Fear) The opposite of fear is faith and trust”

” How to Forgive someone”.

Manashantii’s writing method

My testimony of how I became a Christian

My Psychological Poems

What to look for in a husband or wife

Bible Trinity Explained

Please feel free to email me questions or problems, I may answer the query via email, you can be rest assured that your name will be kept in confidence and will never be published. Manashantii