Buddhism, Christianity and Psychotherapy. Saturday 17th December 2016. Written by Manashantii of manashantii.com


  • Reverence to Buddha
  • Be Selfish/ self centred
  • Denial of self and emotions
  • Focus only on the present moment
  • Eastern Philosophical solutions for solving problems
  • Spiritual explanation that differs from Christianity
  • Dependence on Self
  • Dependence on Buddhist Scriptures / teachings
  • Psychological supersedes the physical
  • Mind transformation and introspection
  • Emotional  detachment/ Unemotional
  • Morals and conscience
  • Self-discipline and self-control
  • Self-Exaltation
  • Self-Acceptance
  • Self-Exploration
  • Self Realisation
  • Save yourself
  • (Pay for your own sins)
  • Suffering is the problem
  • Believe in No Soul (Anatta)
  • Pacifism
  • Reflection
  • Forgiveness centred
  • Compassion orientated
  • Empathy centred
  • Present centredness
  • Contradicts Christianity and the Word of God
  • Karma
  • The Cessation of Craving /Desirelessness
  • Nirvana
  • 7 Heaven worlds and 24 Hell worlds in Buddhism
  • The Middle Way Theory / path
  • Four Noble Truths
  • The Three Jewels
  • The Five Precepts
  • Eightfold Path
  • Rebirth
  • Siddhartha Gautama’s knowledge
  • Healing the emotions and mind without God, but through self motivation and Buddhist knowledge


  • Confidently trust in God
  • Love, Be Kind, Forgiveness centred
  • The Holy Bible is God’s prophetic word for all mankind.
  • Is Transformation of mind, soul and Spirit by use of relationship with God and introspection
  • Worship God and pray to God
  • Depend on God
  • Jesus is the prophesied Messiah
  • Have faith in Jesus/God
  • Have Spirit led relationship with God
  • Spirit to Spirit talk with God
  • Communication with God
  • Listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • God’s knowledge of truth is in the Holy Bible
  • The Spiritual always supersedes the psycho-physical
  • Trust God / Dependence on God
  • God-Centredness
  • Sin is the cause of Suffering
  • Sin is the problem of mankind
  • We have a sinful nature due to Adam and Eve
  • Christianity is a Process of undoing Trans-generational curse(s)
  • Christianity is a Process of undoing Trans-generational sin(s)
  • Christianity is a process of repairing your emotions, your mind and your spirit through God
  • Sin, Curses and Demons is the problem
  • Jesus is our Saviour, the problem solver and a blessing to Christians
  • Morals and conscience
  • Is Self-Acceptance
  • Is Pacifism
  • God gives you true eternal peace
  • Plan your intentions
  • Future life focused/Goals
  • Take action
  • Compassion and empathy in action.
  •  Love
  • Humility
  • Insight
  • Reflection
  • Faith
  • Optimism
  • God saves.
  • Payment of sins made on your behalf by Jesus
  • Let go off the past and negative emotions
  • The Soul is real
  • The Spirit is real
  • The body is real
  • One Heaven and One Hell in Christianity
  • Resurrection
  • Grace
  • Monotheism
  • Symbolism has a Spiritual explanation
  • Kingdom Wisdom
  • Anointed Truth


  • Psychotherapy Is the Science of mind, brain, thought, will, emotions and behaviour (the Soul)
  • Be selfish, Put self first, Self love. To see self as supreme is idolatry. Autolatry.
  • Believe & rely on the knowledge of science.
  • Introspection and internal reflection as way to increase knowledge of self, increased understanding of the experiential and the relational
  • Examining Behaviour patterns, thoughts, emotional, hormonal and experiential cycles
  • Psychotherapies are developing intra-personal and interpersonal skill building (Personal development)
  • Trying to change behaviour and mind-set
  • Exploring sexual behaviour patterns.
  • “Scientific” opinions in a theoretical framework.
  • Psyche is Greek meaning the “soul” -ology means science, reason and judgement from Greek.
  • The Psychological supersedes the physical
  • Psychotherapy is opinions arranged in a theoretical framework
  • Scientific explanation of problems and experience(s) with a mathematical component.
  • Scientific explanation for state of mental health
  • Eastern Philosophical explanation with a scientific focus
  • Mindfulness is Buddhist in origin
  • Present centredness is Buddhist in origin
  • A lot of the psychotherapy approaches are Buddhist in origin but disguised as scientific with statistics attached
  • Believes that mankind is good by nature
  • This world focused and this life focused
  • Faith in Science and psychologies
  • Dependence on Self
  • Dependence on Psychotherapist
  • Trans-generational Trauma(s)
  • Attempt to heal neuro-chemical and bio-chemical imbalances
  • Is a continuous assessment process by Examining your relational interactions
  • Responsible Self-Parenting
  • Self-Care
  • Self-Affirmation
  • Self-Empowerment
  • Emotional expression
  • Emotionally Independent
  • Affective Self-Esteem
  • Assertiveness
  • Self-Acceptance
  • Self-Esteem
  • Self-Actualisation
  • Self-Exaltation
  • Self-Centredness
  • Self-Confidence
  • Self-Idolisation
  • Empathy
  • Compassion
  • An Insightful therapist can inform client of the skills that the client lacks
  • Instincts
  • Feelings focused
  • Self-Exploration
  • Life Skills building
  • Reflection skills
  • Experiential learning
  • Therapeutic Alliance
  • Follow your feelings
  • Consciousness
  • Unconscious/ Sub-conscious
  • Blame
  • Sex and Sexuality focused
  • Relationships
  • Communication
  • Behaviour assessment
  • Listening
  • Explore the past and feelings
  • Contradicts Christianity and the Word of God
  • Psychotherapy is a worldly counterfeit of the Spiritual and the prophetic disguised as scientific
  • Mental illness is the cause of social problems.
  • Your personality affects how people relate to you.
  • How you were nurtured in childhood affects your future life experiences, positively or negatively.
  • Self-preservation
  • Self-protection
  • Self-Mastery
  • Self-Motivation skills
  • Self-Definition
  • Reclaiming your life
  • Inter-dependence
  • Independence
  • Decisive
  • Organised
  • Reliable
  • Abnormal psychology
  • Personality and Skills Tests
  • Diagnostic skills
  • Motives
  • Boundaries
  • Trust
  • Inner-peace
  • Self-Directed
  • Diagnosis
  • Client’s Insight develops with time
  • Examine client’s Affect, Behaviour & Cognition.
  • Insight into self and others
  • Interpretation and perception
  • Social skills
  • Use Symbolism to  explain mankind’s condition
  • Psychotherapist must develop healthy Boundaries and Diagnostic skills.
  • Analyse client’s Mood, Motivation & Insight.
  • Various psychotherapists with various opinions, not always agreeing, but searching for truth
  • Healing the emotions and mind without God through therapeutic relationship, skill building, and or medication