What is Christian prayer?  Written by Manashantii  Monday 4th June 2018

Prayer is faith-filled Spiritual communication with God; your heart and mind must have no unforgiveness when you pray. Unforgiveness blocks God from hearing you unless you release your heart of the resentments and pray asking God for forgiveness. Repent of your sins and pray about it. When you pray with a pure heart have faith, believe and know that God will answer your prayers.

Prayer is a biochemical, biophysical and spiritual experience. As you pray you build a unique relationship with God. Praying activates Spiritual healing and blessings and gives you Spiritual insight. Forgiveness of others and Repentance of your sins helps you to step boldly to meet God in the Spirit. As you grow in knowledge your faith and understanding increases, and you will be able to discern God’s voice also. The ability to discern God’s voice is a spiritual gift. Spiritual gifts develop as you spiritually grow.

There are two main forms of prayer. You can pray to God by talking using words in your language, another form of prayer is to pray in an unknown spiritual language; praying in an unknown language is called praying in the Holy Spirit or speaking in tongues (or praying in tongues).

When you pray you begin by addressing God your creator who is your Heavenly Father and you must end your prayer by using Jesus as your mediator, so you pray  ” In Jesus Name, Amen”


Psalm 66 v17-18 I cried to Him (God) with my mouth, and high praise was on my tongue. If I had cherished my iniquity in my heart the Lord would not have listened.

See the following articles on this website:- Types of prayer. (Types of Christian prayer)

See also:- How To Pray

See also :- Relate To God