Relate To God In The Spirit. Written by Manashantii.  Sunday 16th June 2019

Reading the Holy Bible is LISTENING to God SPEAKING. Reading The Holy Bible is like taking a Spiritual Antibiotic Medicine. Reading and Praying is spiritual warfare that strengthens your Spiritual Authourity. Praying is me Speaking to God. Praying is Spiritual food that Strengthens your Spiritual Immune System. The Holy Bible is a Spiritual book it requires the Holy Spirit revelation in order for you to understand what it means; you need a Spiritual rebirth by receiving God’s life and God’s Spiritual Nature in you.Have a Spiritual relationship with God’s Spirit; God’s Spirit relating to your spirit relating to God. Depend on God as your Spiritual Guide in every way including verbally, emotionally, physically, intellectually and Spiritually. Consecrate your life to Jesus, God and trust the Holy Spirit to fill you up. Be Responsible, Disciplined and seek God’s Wisdom observe your thought processes. Jesus should be more than your solution to a problem, and more than your saviour and more than your closest friend.

Prayer is more than just a ritual; prayer is reprogramming of your Spirit and communication with God. To relate to God you have build up your faith in God and believe in Him, The Holy Spirit. Connect with God by praying to God in conversation and in the Spirit. Know your destiny. Do not be distracted by the devil who uses people to manipulate your heart and soul and Spirit. Loving God and loving others and respecting yourself is rewarding. Forgive those that hurt you or let you down, see my various articles on forgiveness on this website.

Write your thoughts and feelings down answering the following questions. In the end these are the things that matters:-  How well have you loved? How much have you loved? What is the destiny and the future condition of your soul? What is your relationship with God? Where you are going to spend eternity? Who do you belong to spiritually? How much did you learn from your experiences? How humble are you? Do you have an authentic and truthful relationship with God? Have you accepted God’s forgiveness? Have you accepted God’s love and God’s salvation? What is your relational experience with God? What is your Spiritual connection with God?

Fasting (if you can) combined with reading the Holy Bible re-awakens and renews your Spirit which prepares you for reunion with God. Reading the Holy Bible, Christian prayer and Spirit prayer (praying in the Holy Spirit or speaking in tongues) is a biochemical, neurological and spiritual experience and phenomenon, this as a result makes you able to discern God’s voice and connects you to the Spirit world. Some people relate to God in a ritualistic manner without knowing Him; your relationship with God is more important than archaic rituals. Do you know that your thoughts and feelings are an act of worship and therefore affects the essence of your relationship with God and your soul and your Spirit?

Prayer is faith filled Spiritual communication with God which connects you with the Spiritual realm and heals your soul. Your Spirit is your inner conscience and your intuition is connected to God. Develop your Spiritual relationship with God. Pray and praise God. The Spiritual realm is a higher state and deeper than the psychological. The psychological state is a physical state of the self and keeps you in the Earth realm; when you are in the psychological state you are in the physical you are not deeply in contact with God. Meet God in the Spiritual realm, God is a Spirit relate to God in the Spirit.

Reading The Holy Bible is one way of relating to God in the Spirit; and a way to open your spiritual eyes and discern God’s voice. The Holy Bible is full of prophetic messages and prophetic knowledge from the Holy Spirit. Use the Holy Bible to guide you; read the Holy Bible in order to relate to God ; and always pray to God. Overcome blockages that stop you from relating to God. Fear and procrastination can be big psychological blocks that stop you from relating to God in the Spirit. Love others and forgive. Have faith and practice faith in action daily. In every moment walk in faith and listen to the voice of God and the Holy Spirit; Talk to the Holy Spirit, tell Him what you are thinking and feeling and what you are trusting in Him for. Be Holy Spirit led and faith led; talk and pray to God and seal your prayers with praises. Take every opportunity to increase your faith everyday and trust that God will support you. Live your life fearlessly, be faithfully bold, always trusting God.

Using the Holy Bible to pray scriptures is another way of relating to God. Praying in tongues (praying in the Spirit) is also another method to pray to God. God speaks to your heart, soul and spirit with a still small voice, learn to listen to the Holy Spirit’s voice. Repentance turns us back to God. God also speaks to you through your dreams, every dream contains a message; but you must learn to know if the dream is from the Holy Spirit or of the devil. Dreams connects you to the Spirit world. Discipline yourself to overcome challenges, have a set time to relate to God; endurance develops strength of character.

De-root bitter feelings and unforgiveness within you and confess your sins to God through prayer and ask God to heal your heart. Your life experiences affects the psychological and spiritual nature of your heart. Make it your goal to develop your faith in God and confidently build your character. Prioritise your relationship with God, don’t let people or things prevent you from having a meaningful relationship with God. Respect, desire and love God. Relate to God by praying in the form of conversation to God; pray Holy Bible scriptures to God; pray Spiritual Warfare prayers and pray in tongues (praying in the Spirit). Show your gratitude to God.

Pray in tongues by praying in the Spirit; see my article on How To Speak in Tongues and my article How To Pray and my article Manashantii’s Writing Method  and also my article on Daily Devotion  on this website.


John 4v24 Jesus said “God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.”

John 6v63 Jesus said It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are life”

2 Corinthians 3v6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit : for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.


