How to forgive myself. 12th May 2013 Written by Manashantii

Guilt is the failure of self-forgiveness. Guilt is the self-talk of self-blame. It is time to stop punishing yourself for the past or for your expectations. Guilt, shame and regret is a cycle of self -punishment. The truest act of kindness to self is self-forgiveness. One of signs of true self love is ability to forgive yourself. Guilt stops you from loving and forgiving yourself. Guilt stops you from healing emotionally and Spiritually. When you feel guilty you can’t live fully in the present moment.

Don’t live in regret. Give up competitive jealousy as this will not let you grow spiritually and heal emotionally. Follow your own standards and only judge yourself gently and lovingly. Pray to God to help you change your perception of yourself.

Trust in God. Faith, love, forgiveness mixed with the knowledge of the Word of God helps you to heal and move on. Pray to God, asking Him to help you let go off the past and forgive yourself. Practice forgiving yourself daily. When you pray surrender all your pain to God. Let go off resentment and anger towards yourself. Let the Holy Spirit minister to you as you read the Holy Bible, as you do this your intuition will develop. Learn to be loving with yourself, do at least three nice things for yourself everyday.

Whatever you blame yourself for is past, so forgive yourself. God loves you and forgives you. Amen


How to forgive someone

Love and forgiveness

How to heal from abuse (sexual, physical and emotional) 

Forgiveness is an act of love


Just a few Bible quotes on forgiveness. 

Hebrews 13v5

Proverbs 3v5

Proverbs 28v13

1 John 1v9

Matthew 18 v21-v22

Matthew 6v9-v14

Matthew 6v33

Mark 11v25-v26

1 Corinthians 13

Philippians 4v8

Romans 8v1

Psalm 42

Psalm 51

Psalm 55

Isaiah 43v22-28

Isaiah 53v6

Isaiah 55v6-v9

Ephesians 4v31-32

James 5v16

Isaiah 59v1-v2

Isaiah v27v2-v4

Isaiah 1 v18

Isaiah 49

Isaiah 2v9

Isaiah 4v1-v6

Isaiah 61v1-2

Romans 12 v17-21


Written by Manashantii