My Tweets 7. Written By Manashantii. From Thursday 31st March 2016 to —– May 2016
If s/he doesn’t love God, s/he cannot love you the way you deserve. Let go off this idol. Love God firstly. Have faith in God. Manashantii
Make God the most important person in your life. Manashantii
I forgive ——— (person) for imperfections past, present and future. I release ——– (person) of my anger and negative judgement. Manashantii
Try to love and understand people more. Be a Pacifist, an activist for peace. Manashantii
Try to have unconditional positive regard for people and practice less pathologisation. Manashantii
Without the Holy Spirit we can’t be born again, live a Holy life, pray and experience a final transformation. Manashantii
I give my past to Jesus my healer and my saviour. I forgive everyone who has hurt me. My faith is renewed. Manashantii
I trust God’s will in everything in my life. Manashantii
I live for God and not this material world. Manashantii
Accept your pain. Grief is a process, it will end. Write your thoughts and feelings down. You will heal in eventually. Manashantii
Rely on God to help take away your pain. Manashantii
Forgive yourself. Manashantii
Stop Judging and Blaming the abuser and thinking about the past. If you do it will become easier with time. Manashantii
Leave it to God to Judge your abuser. Manashantii
Realise, Empathise and try to understand that your abuser lacks Spiritual maturity. Manashantii
Pray for your abuser and wish peace for your abuser’s inner peace or peace of mind, love and understanding. Manashantii
Forgive your abuser. No one is perfect even you have sinned before. Let go off the cycle of blame, guilt and denial. Manashantii
Live under the laws of love, peace, understanding and forgiveness. Manashantii
After a few years of forgiveness seek trustworthy and loving friends and maybe a loving companion. Love heals. Manashantii
Don’t deny your emotions, neither should you be controlled by your emotions. Speak the truth in love. Manashantii
Most relational problems exist due to lack of insight, lack of boundaries, lack of understanding and lovelessness. Manashantii
Insight, healthy boundaries, understanding and the ability to love and forgive makes you Spiritually mature. Manashantii
Reflection encourages insight into yourself. Manashantii
Learn to process your anger. Anger tells us that there is emotional pain and a belief that there is injustice in our lives. Manashantii
Increase your patience, understanding and love for people. Hatred kills. Manashantii
Heavenly Father your word purifies my soul, I know that obeying You and being guided by you is important. Manashantii
Heavenly Father you are my master. I pray for supernatural clarity in my life today. Manashantii
Heavenly Father, I have faith that Divine Good will always win victoriously over evil. In Jesus’ Name Amen. Manashantii